Sunday, June 14, 2009

New X Scream Food!

I have been waiting for this day. I finally had the time to go to X Scream Food and try their new desserts (The blog was the perfect excuse to enjoy them!).

So, new this year are...

Funnel Fries
- Powdered Sugar
- Raspberry Sauce and Whipped Cream

Dip 'N' Dot Sundaes
- Banana M&M Split
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Oreo Cookie Crumble

Dip 'N' Dot Floats
- Root Beer
- Orange

I could only carry two things, so I got funnel fries (with powdered sugar) and a Dip 'N' Dot sundae (Peanut Butter Cup). This is what it looked like before I devoured it:

For the record, they were both equally delicious.

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