Friday, May 23, 2008

It's Official!

Drumroll please....tada!

The Ravine Flyer II is now officially open and ready for business! We've only been waiting 10 years. Talk about quick results! Whew, now that's over, we can build a new ride! Hopefully it won't take as long though. Anyways, one more week and Waldameer will be open everyday for the rest of the season. Except for Mondays...even Walda-employees need to rest every once and a while. That was all the excitement for last weekend...

In other news: the Potato Patch concession stand by the Water World entrance will be opening tomorrow. It has been newly remodeled. The fries will be better than ever, I promise! I'll be trying to post footage of the new attractions for this season. So look for all that good stuff in my upcoming posts!

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