Sunday, September 20, 2009

"News Plus Notes" Story

Our friends at News Plus Notes blog came and visited us toward the end of the season. They came on a great day and really enjoyed the park.

Waldameer was one of many stops on their journey but hopefully their favorite. Here's the story about us on their blog. They took some great pictures.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rainbow Gardens Events

St. Patrick's Irish Festival - Fri. 09/18/09 ; 5:00pm - 10:30pm
St. Patrick's Irish Festival - Sat. 09/19/09 ; 11:30am - 10:30pm
St. Patrick's Irish Festival - Sun. 09/20/09 ; 10:00am - 6:00pm
Juvenile Diabetes Walk - Sun. 10/04/09 - 8:00am ; 5:00pm
Millcreek Kiwanis Antique Show - Sat. 10/17/09 ; 9:30am - 4:30pm
Classy 100 80's Dance - Sat. 10/24/09 ; 9:00pm - 1:00am
NWPA Duck Hunters Fish Fry - Sun. 10/25/09 ; 3:00pm - 8:00pm
Train Show - Sun. 11/01/09 ; 10:00am - 4:00pm
Zukor Club Gun Raffle - Sat. 11/07/09 ; 12:00pm - 6:00pm
WQLN Craft Show - Fri. 11/13/09 ; 1:00pm - 6:00pm
WQLN Craft Show - Sat. 11/14/09 ; 10:00am - 5:00pm
WQLN Craft Show - Sun. 11/15/09 ; 10:00am - 5:00pm
Disco Spectacular - Sat. 11/21/09 ; 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Parrothead Group Dance - Wed. 11/25/09 ; 8:00pm-12:00am

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Last Picture of 2009

Here's a picture taken on Labor Day. Not too shabby of a view.

Golden Ticket Award Cermony in CA

President Steve Gorman and his wife, Nancy, attended the award ceremony to present the award for the Best New Ride for 2009. Last year, the Ravine Flyer II won this prestigious award. This year, the award went to the "Prowler" wooden coaster at Worlds of Fun in Kansas, MO.

Also, some good news. The Ravine Flyer II climbed the Top Wooden Coasters list. Last year, we were 11th so we didn't make it. But now, we're ranked 6th!

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Coaster Critic

Joel Bullock, aka The Coaster Critic, stopped by the park recently to ride the Ravine Flyer II. He's ridden nearly 200 coasters in over 20 parks. His website received the Best Theme Park Blog Coaster Web Award. He was also featured in the New York Times about Pennsylvania's coasters. So basically, he's a pretty big deal.

The Ravine Flyer II is his 5th favorite wooden coaster and 8th favorite coaster overall.

He also interviewed President Steve Gorman while he was here. This is a portion of the interview:

Waldameer's Plans for 2010
Steve Gorman shared an exclusive during our interview. When asked about plans for 2010, he confirmed rumors that the park was looking to add a flat ride. He cautioned that it depended on the park's performance this year; which of course can be affected by the weather. The flat ride they plan on adding will be a chair swing known as Yo-Yo.

Check out the full interview.
Check out his website.

Four More Days of Fun!

We're only open four, count 'em - four, more days for the 2009 season!

We're open Friday Sept. 4 - Monday Sept. 7. We also have a promotion for these last days:

Buy 1 Get 1 for just $5

Buy 1 Combo Pass and get another one of equal or lesser value for just $5 with a coupon from the newspaper (week of promotion) or Waldameer's website or a register receipt from CVS.

The weather is supposed to be sunny and in the 70's so bring your sunscreen!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Park Patrol!

Paul Ruben, a friend of the park, writes for Park World magazine and is starting a new feature called "Park Patrol." Each feature shows a picture of a park and comments by the park's operator. The point is to see "everyday scenes through the operator's eye."

Paul chose us for his next "Park Patrol" and owner Paul Nelson will be commenting. Here's a link to a previous article by Paul Ruben.

I'll make sure to share a link when our "Park Patrol" gets published!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Save Some Green!

No, not the environment (even though that is a good green thing to do). SAVE SOME DOUGH!

4 for $54 OR $5 Off Combo!

Tues.-Fri. Aug. 18th - 21st and Tue. - Fri. Aug. 25th - 28th4

All Day Combo Passes for only $54, that’s just $13.50 each


Save $5 on your 48” Combo or $2.50 on your under 48” Combo. You choose! Either way it’s a great deal! Offers valid with coupon from the newspaper, (week of promotion) Waldameer’s website (To be posted 1 week prior to promotion) or a register receipt from Country Fair.

Buy 1 Get 1 for just $5

Fri. Sept 4th - Mon. Sept 7th

Buy 1 Combo Pass and get another one of equal or lesser value for just $5 with a coupon from the newspaper (week of promotion) or Waldameer's website (To be posted 1 week prior to promotion) or a register receipt from CVS. Last promotion of the season!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Waldameer's Beauty

Pictures by: David Gorman
Beauty by: Janet Little

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Imagine the Possibilities

When I was in Imagination Station (located at the entrance to the Merry-go-round) today I was pleasantly surprised at what they had to offer. Gemstone mining, spin art, sand art, face painting - you name it.

This is what surprised me the most - Wally and Wendy Bear shirts that you color yourself. I want to be a kid again.

Our History: 1930-1940

As Waldameer was struggling to survive the Depression in the 1930’s, a chestnut blight killed off many of the majestic trees that gave the park its name. To boost attendance during this tough time, a relatively new phenomena – talking movies – were offered, and with the repeal of prohibition in 1933, the famous Beer Garden was brought back.

The park’s tough times continued in 1937 as the aging Dip the Dips roller coaster was removed and the Dance Hall burnt down. Since funding did not exist to rebuild the Dance Hall, Waldameer built an outdoor dance floor for the 1938 season. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the weather, the new concept met with limited success.

In August of 1938, another tragedy hit the park. The Ravine Flyer got caught between dips, and as a man rose to try to calm his hysterical sister, he lost his balance and fell 30 feet to his death. Alex Moeller’s wife, L. Ruth, was so upset by the tragedy that Mr. Moeller immediately removed the ride, although the station was retained and converted into a picnic pavilion.

As the Thirties ended, the economy improved, and Waldameer once again began expanding. The first priority was to build a new dance hall. Opened in 1940, the new dance hall had a capacity of 3,000. A local contest was held to name the new building and Rainbow Gardens was selected as the winning entry, due to the multi-colored floor tiles in the building.

Friday, July 17, 2009

"Dude, Where's Wally?"

Wally Bear: Origins - Part IV

As soon as the bear stepped out of the plant, his life became a whirlwind of new experiences and exploration. He made a mental list of things that needed done:

1. Find a suitable name.
2. Find a hat that fit.
3. Travel the world.

The bear liked the name Teddy Bear, but he wanted his name to be unique. Strolling past a movie theater, he was stopped by a poster showing a map of the country. It read “Across the Continent Starring Wallace Reid”. I wish I could be that guy. I want to travel the continent, the bear thought. The name Wallace intrigued him but it seemed too formal. What about Wally? Wally…Bear. Wally Bear. Now Wally only had two things left to do on his list.

The autumn wind was brisk and this urged Wally on to search for a hat to cover his cold head. He found a hatter and tried on lots and lots of hats. It wasn’t a hard decision. The hatter even personalized it for him.

There was only one item left on Wally’s to-do list: Travel the world. And that’s what Wally did. Because he was one of a kind, surprisingly, people treated Wally extra special and gave him opportunities most people can only imagine.

1919: Attends the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, ending World War I.
1927: Witnesses Babe Ruth break the homerun record.
1936: Helps build the Hoover Dam until its completion.
1944: Advertises the newly invented ballpoint pen.
1957: Reads Dr. Seuss’s new book, “The Cat in the Hat.”
1963: Hears Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
1977: Attends opening night of “Star Wars.”
1985: Scuba dives to see the sunken Titanic.
1993: Visits Waldameer for the first time.

That day, Wally Bear fell in love – with the park, that is. He adored it: the smiling kids, the delectable treats, the entire happy-go-lucky frame of mind. Wally asked us if he could stay, and we accepted. How could we turn down a smiling, singing, dancing giant teddy bear? It was an easy decision, to say the least.

And 16 years later, Wally still happily resides at Waldameer.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let's Talk Weather

Last week was a great time to be outside. It was sunny, warm, and even reached the 80°s!

Like everything, there was an exception to the week's awesome weather.

Saturday morning and early afternoon was unbelieveable. It started out nice, went to dark and gloomy, then torrential downpour and thunderstorm, and finally to nice again. All in maybe 3 or 4 hours. There was even a river of water in the midway.

Luckily, the past is the past and luckier, next week looks nice. Phew.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Family Portrait

Charlie the Clown is probably one of the most photogenic guys I know. He's always smiling. Besides, Wally and Wendy get their pictures taken so much, they deserve a little break.

Nothing says "Waldameer" like a family picture with our clown.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Where I've Been...

So you may have noticed that I've been gone for about a week.

I was hiking on the Appalacian Trail.

Okay, okay - you caught me. I was really in Argentina. But only because I had to investigate Wally Bear's story, to check the facts. Can't be too careful these days.

So, long story short - I'm back.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Last Night

The fireworks last night were awesome! The sky cleared up and you could see everything really well.

Today's weather is looking a lot better than yesterday's, so this 4th of July should be sunny and warm!

Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July FIREWORKS

There will be fireworks tonight and tomorrow night to celebrate the 4th of July!

Yay, USA!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Speaking of Wally...

He and Wendy we traversing the park the other day. Luckily, the Waldameer paparazzi got lots of pictures.

Yes - bears can Dance Dance too.

Arcade-ing it up.
Imagination Station's new gemstone mining!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"The Secret Life of Bears"

Wally Bear: Origins - Part III

The bear twitched. The vat gently shook. Two fuzzy ears poked out, followed by two beady eyes. The bear, like a newborn doe, clumsily stood up on wobbly legs, tipping the vat and spilling its contents, leaving a golden sheen on the dark ground.

The bear lay on the floor, at the foot of the chemical vat, his Pinocchio-like transformation complete.

He attempted to take in everything that surrounded him: the sight of busy workers, the deep sound of machinery, the earthy smell of the fertilizer plant. All these new sensations overwhelmed the bear and filled his small fuzzy head with curiosity.

Since he saw no other bears in the plant, only tall humans, the bear felt and understood that he didn’t belong. Therefore, he stayed hidden from the workers’ eyes while he explored the intricacies of the fertilizer plant, large for humans but massive for him. A desk was an unexplored cave, an air vent was a dark tunnel, and the greenhouse was a tropical jungle.

Finally, at the end of the day, when the workers had left and lights had been turned off, the bear fell asleep in the plant storage attic. His bed was made up of outdated fertilizer, much too strong for household use. In fact, it was so strong that it changed plants into trees, turned shrubs into bushes, and would ultimately turn a teddy-sized bear into a real-sized bear.

The bear was content with his hidden life in the fertilizer plant. He watched the workings of the machinery, how the workers interacted, and listened to the their conversations.

The bear lived in the fertilizer plant for years and eventually picked up words and phrases. These phrases became sentences and these sentences provoked his curiosity. Wanting to find answers, he found an abridged encyclopedia and thus his love of learning began. Up until that time, the bear only knew things dealing with the weather, sports, and fertilizer, since these were the topics most of the workers discussed. However, with the encyclopedia, he was able to escape the bounds and limits of the plant and discovered a world that he had yet to experience.

Night after night, the bear slowly grew. He didn’t notice it at first, but soon he couldn’t hide from the workers anymore and could only leave the attic at night. Finally, when he was as tall as a human, the bear decided to leave the plant.

He had entered the plant as a teddy bear in a man’s briefcase and left as a living, breathing, life-size bear, ready to experience the world.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Be the Next Waldameer Idol

No, sorry, we don't have a singing contest at the park that airs on national television.

Well, not officially.

We do have KARAOKE, which is kind of like a singing contest if you have a good imagination, of course.

We don't have judges either; just an audience ready to hear your beautiful voice (You're welcome for the compliment - any time.)

Karaoke began last weekend and it runs 2:30 - 8:30 on Saturdays and Sundays.

We'll be waiting to hear from you!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You Scream for Ice Cream!

According to the "Favorite Walda-Food" survey, you guys (and gals) like your ice cream and funnel cakes! It was still pretty close though.

Here's the breakdown:

1. Ice Cream/Funnel Cake - 35%
2. Burger/Hot Dog/Fries - 30%
3. Cookie/Fudge - 21%
4. Pizza/Pretzel - 13%

I guess Pizza and Pretzel weren't the best running mates. They should've campaigned better.

Thanks for voting!

Friday, June 19, 2009

We Have Friends!

Let it be known to all that Waldameer has friends...

2,391 to be exact. I just checked Facebook.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fuzzy Update

It started two weeks ago.

The fuzzies attacked.
When there's just one, they're cute and innocent.

But when they run rampant in large numbers, it's bad news.

(Artist's Interpretation)

Luckily, their attack has ceased and we can breathe easily now, literally and figuratively.

Monday, June 15, 2009

"The Curious Case of Wally Bear"

Wally Bear: Origins - Part II

That night, the factory owner couldn’t sleep. His wife didn’t share his problem. On the other side of the bed, she snored like a freight train. Therefore, her husband had no trouble sneaking out of bed and down the stairs.

Opening his briefcase, the factory owner took out what had been troubling him all night. The teddy bear blankly stared back at him, looking quite unkempt, with torn fur, loose stuffing, and the absence of a nose.

Time to get to work, he thought. Minutes later, he had everything he needed laid across the kitchen counter: scissors, thread, pillow, and his pajama bottoms. He leaned in to begin but thought better of it. He closed the kitchen drapes, imagining how strange this scene would look to his neighbors.

Unfortunately, the man was right. Next door, Mrs. Fields pondered every possible explanation for her neighbor’s behavior: nervous breakdown, midlife crisis, compulsive teddy bear kidnapper. Luckily, what she saw would never leave her lips, for no one would believe her.

When the factory owner was done, he stood back and admired his work. Down from his pillow made up the bear’s stuffing. The man’s pajama bottoms were now pajama shorts; the fabric was used for the bear’s patches. The teddy bear also had a nose. It was a button taken off of the man’s pajama top. The once shoddy bear was now an impressive work.

The next morning, the factory owner went to the fertilizer plant where his son-in-law worked to deliver the teddy bear for his grandson. As he walked by an open vat of unrefined mineral compounds, the wrapped box containing the bear slipped out from under his arm and fell into the vat.

The factory owner realized the bear was missing but there was no trace of its whereabouts. After searching, he finally went home, and, due to his lack of sleep, thought the teddy bear had been a dream.

Meanwhile, the box sunk deeper and deeper into the vat. The chemical compounds soon filled the box and seeped through the bear’s thin fur. Suddenly, the bear’s lifeless body became alive. The factory owner’s creation had entered the vat an ordinary stuffed toy and soon exited an extraordinary stuffed bear.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

New X Scream Food!

I have been waiting for this day. I finally had the time to go to X Scream Food and try their new desserts (The blog was the perfect excuse to enjoy them!).

So, new this year are...

Funnel Fries
- Powdered Sugar
- Raspberry Sauce and Whipped Cream

Dip 'N' Dot Sundaes
- Banana M&M Split
- Peanut Butter Cup
- Oreo Cookie Crumble

Dip 'N' Dot Floats
- Root Beer
- Orange

I could only carry two things, so I got funnel fries (with powdered sugar) and a Dip 'N' Dot sundae (Peanut Butter Cup). This is what it looked like before I devoured it:

For the record, they were both equally delicious.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Wet and Wild Tribute

Often people get so caught up in our sweet rides that they forget our awesome waterpark.

Water World

- 16 body and tube slides
- Tad Pool areas for children
- Endless River and Relaxing Pool
- Hundreds of lounge chairs
- Sundeck and Pizza Beach Cafes

As the weather warms up and the sun shines brighter, the waterpark looks pretty tempting from the office windows...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Wally Bear Begins"

Wally Bear: Origins - Part I

Our story begins in 1902 with President Theodore Roosevelt. Publicly, he was known as Teddy. On a hunting expedition, Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot a captured bear, claiming it was unsportsmanlike.

Two businessmen, on opposite sides of the world, had the same brilliant idea. They would create a new toy called a teddy bear. Production began and teddy bears spread like wildfire.

Children and adults alike loved them. Teddy himself used a teddy bear as his mascot for his 1904 re-election.

In a teddy bear factory in New York, the owner was just getting ready to close up shop. As he was about to turn off the lights, a lone teddy bear caught his eye. The bear was in the "Undesirable" pile in the dusty corner of the factory. The owner had seen the bear before; in fact, the bear had been sitting in that pile ever since production began. The lone teddy bear had a torn nose and various holes in its fur. White stuffing spilled out in a fluffy mess.

The owner hesitated. He leaned against the door frame, lost in thought.

When he got home, the factory owner set down his briefcase and greeted his wife. The couple's cat, Felix, had been waiting all day for him because the man frequently slipped Felix treats when his wife wasn't looking. As Felix rubbed up against the man's leg, his tail knocked over the briefcase, spilling its contents.

"What's this?" the woman asked, holding up a beaten up teddy bear.

"Oh, nothing." Despite the man's reply, this was not the case. The bear was indeed something. He was planning on fixing up the bear for his grandson, born the day before.

As the night went on, the man went through his evening chores: reading the paper, paying bills, reviewing the factory's production numbers. He may have seemed concentrated on work, but his mind was elsewhere. His mind was on the bear.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wally Bear: Origins

Giant teddy bear. Soft, cuddly fur. Button nose.

We all know and love him. If Waldameer could be encapsulated (don't act like you're not impressed) into one person, one figurehead, one would be Wally Bear.

Exhibit A:
We know he wears a constant smile, is physically unable to blink, and loves to wave.
We don't know: Who is Wally Bear? How is a teddy bear alive? How come he's so big?
(chuckle) Young padawan, all your questions will be answered.
The Story of Wally Bear will be told...soon.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Promotions in June


June 14 (Flag Day)
  • Show your US Military card at the Recruitment table
  • Receive a voucher (for a free combo) to turn in at Ticket Booth
  • Your family members will receive a special discounted Combos ($15 for over 48", $10 for under 48")

4 FOR $54

June 23 - 26 and June 30 - July 2

  • Get coupon from our website, the newspaper, or a receipt from Giant Eagle
  • Purchase 4 Combos for only $54 ($13.50 each)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is a Vortex?

Definition: a mass of fluid with a whirling or circular motion that tends to form a cavity or vacuum in the center of the circle and to draw toward this cavity or vacuum bodies subject to its action

So basically, it's a whirlpool like this:

Ours is a MEGA vortex and it's on land, not in water. Oh, and it's purple and gold.

Friday, May 22, 2009


To celebrate Memorial Day, we're having fireworks Sunday (5-24) and Monday (5-25).

What time you ask?

Well, it depends how quickly it gets dark that night. We hire a company to set them off and they decide what time is best.

Tea and Crumpets, Anyone?

I saw this in the Erie Times Showtime section:

Don Joint's artworks make the rounds

"Some England art patrons are enjoying a unique look at Erie's Waldameer Park. Fred, a London museum, is currently showing 'Waldameer,' a group of collage works by Erie native Don Joint."

"More 'Waldameer' works are also on display at the Pavel Zoubok Gallery in New York."

Here is the full article in Showcase.

And here are pictures of Don's artwork in London and in New York.

Thanks for the publicity, Don! Nice work!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

2009 Showtime Theater

Okay, you've been introduced to the cast members. "What do those cast members do?" you may ask. Well, it's funny you should say that because that what I was about to get to!


Enter into a world of musical magic with Wally, Wendy, and friends. This interactive, educational, and musical journey will be enjoyable and entertaining for the whole family.


Come hang with the cast and go bananas for the music of the 50's and 60's! You'll have a blast with this high-energy musical revue celebrating your favorite tunes, crazy dances, and way out wacky trends of the times.


A spectacular song and dance show which merges many types of music, including hot contemporary hits, knee-slappin' country tunes, hand-raisin' gospel, and one hit wonders.

Weekend schedule:

"Sock Hop" - 2:00 and 7:30 PM
"Wally and Wendy's Hulabaloo" - 3:30 and 6:30 PM
"Merge" - 5:00 and 8:30 PM

On weekdays in early June (open 10:30 - 7:30):

"Sock Hop" - 11:30 AM and 5:00 PM
"Wally and Wendy's Hulabaloo" - 1:00 and 4:00 PM
"Merge" - 2:30 and 6:00 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

100th Post

Just a short year ago the Waldablog was launched with one post.

Today, the blog has 100 posts and over 24,000 views!

Our ClustrMap looks like it got the chicken pox with all our red dots.

Thanks for reading!

I have a favor to ask. The last poll ended ("What are you most looking forward to this summer?") and I need a new question with answers for people to vote on. Any thoughts?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wall of Fame

We received boatloads, and I mean boatloads, of awards for the Ravine Flyer II. They barely fit on the wall.

I don't mean to brag, but - well, actually, I do.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today, we announced the winner of the "Name That Ride" contest...

Jacob Radziszewski!

The name is now...the Mega Vortex!

Congrats, Jacob! You get a catered picnic, on us!

Thanks to everyone who submitted a name. We had over 1,200 entries!

Here's a video of President Steve Gorman attempting to pronounce Jacob's last name:

Happy Opening Day!

The gates are open.

The rides are running.

The employees are smiling.


So why don't you carpe diem ("seize the day") and have some fun with us?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New Cast Members

The members of the Showtime Theater are currently working hard so they can entertain you all summer long! Just take a look:

Uh...who are these hooligans? Hang on one second. Let me try this again:

There we go. What a nice-looking bunch of young people. That's a keeper.

I'll get some info on the new shows and times for the '09 season. More on this later.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Lived To Tell the Tale

WHERE: 80 ft high
WHEN: Last Sunday
WHAT: Top-secret mission

I joined two daredevils and climbed the first (and certainly tallest) hill of the RF II. There's a walkway on the side for maintenance and daily inspection. Yup, everyday someone has to walk the entire track, inspecting its safety. Gulp.

After a few minutes, when we reached the summit, I was out of breath. I don't know whether it was because of the climb or my nerves. Probably a little bit of both. Anyways, the professional coaster climbers and I, the newbie having second thoughts, were up there to put up the flags on top of the hill. We have American, Canadian, and a few colored ones. Phew, the things I do for my country.

Despite my fear of falling to my death, we stayed up there for 15 minutes until the job was done.



The premiere of the MDO was a hit! As I said before, 608 tickets sold Saturday and 778 sold Sunday.

If my math is correct...

we raised OVER $3,000 for the John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation!

Wow! Thanks to everyone who came out this past weekend!

Remember, the park (no waterpark) opens this weekend: Sat and Sun 12-9 pm.

If you couldn't come out to ride the MDO and still want to donate to Cancer Research, click here.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

It's Open!

THIS WEEKEND: The grand opening of the Mega Disk'O!

608 tickets were sold yesterday, and the majority of the profit was donated to cancer research.

Thanks to everyone who showed their support yesterday!

If you missed us, don't worry - the ride is still open today from 12-7 pm!

If you can't (or are too chicken) to ride - check out this video from

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First RF II Riders of '09

Recognize anyone?

Well, it'd be weird if you did because that would mean you're friends with 100-lb bags of corn used for testing rides.

...(crickets chirping)...

Anyways, the RF II is running as smooth as last season; you need'nt worry.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Here's what you're going to be riding this Saturday and Sunday...

Ride It Then Name It

Next Saturday and Sunday is the grand opening of our newest ride, the Mega Disk'O. The ride will be open from 12-7 pm. Tickets will be $3.00 and $2.50 of each ticket is donated to the John Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation.

The contest to name the ride ends the following Wednesday and the winner and name chosen will be announced Saturday May, 9. Also, on Saturday will be the dedication of our wishing well, which will benefit the American Red Cross.

Come and show your support for the Mega Disk'O and the Kanzius Cancer Research Foundation!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

1,820 Strong

I just checked our Facebook page and we have 1,820 fans!

Dang, we're pretty popular. I told Wally Bear and he blushed.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

MDO News

The Mega Disk'O = MDO (it's too long to type and could use that 2.4 seconds wiser).

Anyways, this picture is from yesterday. They're almost done installing the large pieces of the ride. Hopefully, we'll start test-running it on Monday.

The highest points are about 40 feet high and the ride itself is elevated around 10 feet. You do the math (if you can't or are unwilling, it equals 50 feet of fun).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Half-Way Done!

The Mega Disk'O is up and ready! Well, okay, one side of it is.

Taken as the suns sets on Waldameer's newest addition. Looks like we waited hours for the perfect shot, but we actually forgot to do in the daytime. Oops. Still looks cool though.

Earlier in the day. That big crane sure helped with the lifting and moving.

Here are the seats. They're kind of like futuristic motorcycle seats. Pretty spiffy if I do say so myself.

More tomorrow!